
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Creating my PLN

It's after midnight and I am trying to implement all the things we have learned in class about technology.  My head is filled with new vocabulary that I'm sure did not exist 5-10 years ago.  Tweet, blog, Diigo, igoogle, and the list goes on.  At times I am worried about being the one in class to ask all of the questions.  But I must be honest.  It's exciting to learn something new.  I am reminded about what it feels like for students who are learning something for the first time.
As much as I hope to have a twitter following (just kidding) I am concerned about the level of exposure that comes with on-line communication.  I confess, I really don't understand why someone would want to follow anyone on twitter.  Who cares if Paris Hilton is getting a pedicure or a drink at Starbucks.   OK I know that sounds a little shallow but aside from my narrow perspective, I am excited about following educational topics on line.  To me, twitter may prove to be a good use of technology.  I even signed up to have twitter on my smart phone (see Jeff, you're wearing off on me).   

In the spirit of embracing my inner-technology-self, my next step is to learn how to bookmark on Diigo.  This is one network that appears to provide ways to help organize my many references.  Although I have only signed up, I think this site will prove beneficial. More to follow...

My final thoughts (as rambling as they are) is on something shared in class. When Jeff initially shared about social media sites, he said "The reward is worth the effort".  He encouraged us to lurk, comment, write, and build networks of people who share our interests and passions about education.  As scary as this sounds, I must admit I think he might be right.  The effort will definitely pay off!

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