
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Futuristic Assignment Continued: The Teacher's Lounge

1.  SWOT
 There are many strengths and weaknesses to encouraging teacher's to visit the teacher's lounge lounge.

Strengths:  A place for positive interactions.  A place where ideas are shared.  A place where teachers talk about how to help students.
Weaknesses:  A place for negative interactions.  A place where positive ideas are shot down.  A place where teacher talk negatively about students, their families, and the administration. 
Opportunity:  Teachers could and should use each other as resources.  The best professional development I have ever attended was when it was done by our own teachers.  Teachers from RMMS know about students at RMMS better than any top paid professional.  Schools need  to use their best resources - the teachers - by providing techniques that will best help the students they serve.
Threats:  There will always be "nay-sayers".  We must me cognizant of the opportunities to help the "new" teachers before the more seasoned teachers change or alter their belief that all students can learn and deserve the best education afforded them.   

2.  Options:
Could be:  The teacher's lounge could be a place of true epiphany - a place where sharing and communication really happens.  Unfortunately, it currently is a place I avoid because of the negative tones that continue to echo off the walls. 

Should be:  The teacher's lounge should be a place where teacher's gather before school, during prep periods, lunch time to encourage collaboration. 

3.  Monitor Trends/Radar: 
Trends and radar will rest in the opportunity to be a "fly on the wall" in the teacher's lounge.  I think it is most important to monitor what is currently happening, monitor how change starts to occur and to build upon the success.  I would love suggestions as to how to make this a great opportunity for all teachers (new and seasoned).  In addition, how do I bring in the need for office assistance and  administration to be part of this "teacher's lounge" phenomenon?    


  1. I suppose VUSD would object to a webcam in the teacher's lounge. If anyone could be watching on the internet I think behaviour might be more positive.

  2. Your proposal is based so much in positive psychology. I see this as relating so much to the philosophies and theories we have learned about during this leadership journey. I am thinking about the TED talk we listened to last night. The speaker's mention to our focus on the negative really resonated with me. I think we need to have a place where it is OK to talk about the negative, but that the goal is to go beyond that towards a mutual ideal. This goes to your ideas about the benefit of the vision or mission statement.

  3. Susan, I think a webcam might discourage teachers from gathering in the teacher's lounge. Who wants to be monitored on the off-time?

    Maybe some programming that takes place in the teacher lounge, or perhaps "brown-bag" discussions could be helpful in productive conversation?

  4. Maybe post some appreciative inquiry-type questions in the lounge to get people thinking and talking about positive experiences?

  5. I think you and Tim should share ideas about making the teacher's lounge a place for transformation.

  6. I think, first, having a place that is comfortable, pleasant with food that smells good would help teachers to relax. Then, I agree with Bev, a question that is strengths-based could motivate teachers to participate and share their wonderful teaching practice!
