
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Futuristic Project: The Teacher's Lounge

The teacher's lounge can be the most toxic place on campus!  My futurist plan is to create a place where teacher's gather to talk about student work, share teaching ideas, and support one another.  Here are my ideas/notes on how to implement this practice:

1. If you were to implement this practice, strategy, idea today, what specialized skills, resources, and dispositions would you need to obtain for yourself, your colleagues and staff?

Have a group meeting to discuss norms.  This would need to be approached from a positive point of view.  Create committees: decorating (i.e., colored paper, posters, pictures), norm/rules, make it a collaboration area with teacher library.  In the room would be computers, round tables to invite conversation, textbooks. 

2. What skills will your colleagues and those you supervise need in order to be successful in this scenario? Of those skills, which ones are currently being supported through resources such as professional development in your setting? Which ones are missing or minimal? What is currently being supported in your setting that would likely be obsolete in 2020? 
Teachers need to and should have positive conversations about students.  Teachers would need updated data on students to share with other teachers.  Collaboration could be between subject matter teachers, vertical grades, and teachers who share the same students.

3. In what ways are we unprepared, lacking in resources and staffing, or to what degree are our strategies and underlying values unable to respond effectively to the conditions this scenario represents?

Is the current environment:  toxic or healthy (articles by Anthony Muhammad)?  Create a "positive talk zone". 

4. What could we be doing now to leverage this trend to our advantage?

Model with people we currently work with.  Initiate positive talk conversations with colleagues and students. Let others begin to see and experience the benefits of the "new and improved" teacher's lounge. 

5. What would need to happen internally and in the external environment for preparing yourself and those you lead to navigate in this strategic vision? What changes should your organization begin to make? What should it start doing? What should it stop doing? 

Get team leaders on board.  Buy a can of paint (in a mood enhancing) shade.  Feng Shui the room.  Create inviting areas.  Create a school/teacher blog to highlight good outcomes shared information, teacher-presented Prezis.  Create a chart of data analysis results for the walls showing current AYP standings and what the goal is for the year.  Have a theme for the year (i.e: student ownership) and a place for teachers/admin to post results.  Have a parking lot board.  Have a conversation board. 


  1. What great ideas!

    I forget about the teacher's lounge phenomenom since we dont currently have one at Monarch. Well, guess what a lounge is in the plans at the new building and i need to incorporate some of these ideas!

    i specially like your idea of posting up student data. i think would also post student pictures. seems like a powerful way to motivate educators.

  2. I agree with you that the positive environment is essential to create. All of your ideas are good. Maybe rallying around a cause would help to create the purpose that Pink indicates is needed for motivation. The “cause” could be new strategies, the incorporation of technology, such as I-Pods, for students to use. The professional development needed to keep learning, ourselves, how to use all of this stuff could bolster the “cause” or project that brings people together in positive communication. Certainly improving student achievement is a “cause.” What is needed is doing something different than just teaching to the test. That something different can be the impetus for “positive” collaboration. One suggestion I would have is to rethink posting test scores on the wall. While looking at data is important and necessary, using it as wall art might not meet with Pink’s notion of design and aesthetics. And….when test scores go south, it can ruin the décor.

  3. Ditto on not posting the test scores--how about art and stories by the students, as well as photos of them as Joel suggested?

    Attitudes are contagious--especially positive, fun attitudes.

    Have you seen the "Fish" video about positive work climate? Check it out on youtube!
    Or search "fish philosophy" on youtube.

    an oldie but goodie...

  4. How about a big flat screen monitor running TweetDeck with an edchat colume and your own hash tag column that you could review when together in your new place.

  5. Susan - I love this idea. I know how much I have enjoyed quick messages from #edchat! Thanks for the suggestion.

  6. Cheree - thank you for the feedback - the notion of teacher leaders and coaches within the ranks of teachers is empowering. I am looking at that model when reviewing the process for implementing within our districts. In response to your thoughtful futurist scenario - the gratitude statements Pink refers to bring to mind a strategy a fellow principal implemented. He created a "positive reflection" form which a community member, teacher, student, etc. could complete regarding the impact a teacher had. These were then posted in the staff lounge. Pink's gratitude statements could be videotaped and projected on a blank large screen "television" in the staff lounge or on the marquis. How fun - being positive is great. I breeds positive thoughts, feelings etc. Thank you for the motivation...
